© Ayo Omolayo

“Madam thank you so much for granting me this opportunity. You don’t know how much this means to me!” Miss Harmony said.

“Please don’t mention!” I said.

Harmony worked as a sales representative for my company. She was a professional in her work. I always acknowledged her efforts and commended her.

Last year, she sent me a resignation letter by the hand of a colleague. I was angry at the abrupt disappearance and called her several times, but she never picked my calls. I was mad and decided never to set my eyes on her.

No wonder Sweet Daddy needed me at work today. She came back pleading with me if I could employ her again.

The old me wouldn’t have set eyes on her. But thank God, I’m now a changed girl. Yeah! Isn’t that beautiful?

I decided to employ her as an assistant to the present sales rep.

“You can start working immediately, or do prefer to begin next week? This month ends on Friday, today’s Tuesday”.

“I prefer to start working right now. Anything to take me out of my depression!” She said and turned to leave.


That word got my attention. Was she suffering from a broken relationship or something bigger? Was it a financial challenge?

“CRIS! I NEED THAT SOUL!” Came the gentle whisper.

“Harmony, please wait!” I said.

She turned and stared at me. I could see a little bit of sadness in her expression. She was really playing her hide and seek very well. But, I was too smart to be fooled.

“Can we talk?” I asked.

“Ma! I’m sorry to take your time! I’m truly sorry to have said something about my personal life”, she said, her eyes moist with tears.

“Please take a seat! Let’s talk!”

She sat down and looked at me. She was looking gloomy right now.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“Ma! My boyfriend is so evil! I was working so hard over here and assisted him in the university with all my life savings and income. I laboured for him. What did I not do for him?

I spent everything I had on him. All he could do to tell me thank you is to dump me for another girl. Telling me he doesn’t love me anymore. Telling me that I wasn’t good for him. He got a job after his service and is making millions. Now, I’m the girl that isn’t good enough for him. He cheated me so badly!”

She started crying.

“Took my money and my virginity with him. I satisfied him in bed and financially. I had to abort two babies for him during our 4 years relationship. I thought I was paying the price for a future with him. No, I was only pouring water into a basket. He went away with everything I had.

I’m sorry I had to quit my job. I was so depressed that nothing mattered to me anymore. I just couldn’t think straight. But when poverty and hunger came and dealt mercilessly with me. I had to humble myself and come back here to beg for mercy. Because I couldn’t find a new job anymore.

If I could lay my hands on Kay boy. I would deal with him mercilessly. He has seriously finished my life and my entire generation. I was so depressed for days. I tried everything I could to get me out of depression. But nothing worked. Maybe it’s because I was idle. Perhaps a job would help solve my depression!”

She said and took the tissue paper I stretched out to her and wiped her tears.

“Hmmm! Sweet Daddy, what do I tell her?”


I bowed my head and whispered a few words of prayers. I looked up and met her staring at me.

I was shocked because I had seen that look in her eyes before. It was a look of someone expecting something from me. I had seen that look before. But what made me surprised was I remembered where I had seen it.

It was in that dream I had. That dream where alot of ladies crowded me asking me to give them the bread. Oh my goodness! She had those expectant eyes from the dream.

“GO AHEAD AND FEED HER?” Came the gentle whisper.

I was startled. Was this my dream getting fulfilled before my eyes? Was I walking into my divine purpose here on earth?

“Ma! What do you have to say to me! Please!” Harmony said.

I almost thought they were my thoughts.

“Did you say something?” I asked.

“Yes! I asked if you had something to tell me! Something to calm my hungry soul!”

“Oh my God! Somebody, please tell me I’m dreaming. Does this girl know what she was saying?” I said within me.

She was speaking, but I saw God speaking through her.

“Harmony, are you a Christian?” I asked.


“How and when?”

” I was born again 5 years ago. I got born again in a revival program titled, THE STAR THAT MUST ARISE. I was pricked in my heart that I was that star and I was wasting God’s precious time. I wept to the altar that day and surrendered to Jesus”.

“My God! The star that must arise! Harmony, what happened to you? How did you get here? Five years ago and this star is yet to arise, who is wasting your time?” I asked

She started crying again. My eyes got blurred with tears. I felt her pain so much.

“Ma! I’m sorry! I was once on fire for God! I was once a spiritual giant. A day never passed without me preaching to a soul. I could pray for hours everyday. I never missed my Bible study for a single day.

It was Kay boy that quenched everything about God in me. I herd God clearly when he told me he wasn’t in approval of the relationship. I knew and saw all the warning, but I was desperate to have a boyfriend. I needed someone in my life to give me love and affection. My parents were never there for me. Kay boy was the only one who cared about me. He made me feel special. He made me feel what it truely meant to be loved by a man.

I struggled and struggled with God, until he let me be. I knew he withdrew from me, because all the warning stopped coming. All the messages stopped coming. Instead of running to back to God, I ran ahead to grab all the pleasures sin had to offer. I decided to taste what having carnal knowledge of a man looked like. The pleasures of giving your body to a man. I tried achohol and hard drugs. I was running from one pleasure to another.

Everything sin offered me could not last. They only made me happy for just a little moment. After which depression would return.

I knew I had missed it. But I just don’t know how to find my way home. I just don’t know how. I’ve confessed to God countless times, still, I always fall back into my vomit and become worse”.

She covered her face with her palms and wept. I stood up and wrapped my hands around her.

“Harmony, Psalms 16:4 says. Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.

Deliberately walking away from God is signing up to live in sorrow. No man would ever walk away from God and live a prosperous life. Harmony! It’s a law that cannot be broken.

As humans, we are free moral agents. But every action and decision we make have consequences.

Luke 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

Verse 48. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

In this kingdom, ignorance is not an excuse because we have our conscience to rebuke us when we’re doing something wrong. So when you know this is what God wants, and you chose to do other wise. You’re preparing yourself for God’s wrath and he’ll fight against whatever you do.

To be more direct, the bible made us to understand in
Ecclesiastes 2:26. God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to those who please him, but he makes sinners work, earning and saving, so that what they get can be given to those who please him. It is all useless. It is like chasing the wind.

You laboured on Kay boy with hope that you’re investing in your future. You didn’t know you were labouring for another woman to enjoy. Because it is God that gives the power to labour and also to enjoy whatever you laboured for.

Anything you do outside God’s will for your life, is futile, useless and a complete waste of time”, I said and she held my hands like I was an answer to her prayers.

“So what can I do? I’ve been trying to come back to God but I don’t know how. I just don’t know why it’s so difficult for me? Please show me the way!”

I remembered what Sharon taught me about the bread of life and the living water. I decided to share it with her.

“Harmony! You’re like that woman at the well searching for happiness. She was so thirsty for satisfaction, just as the devil made you believe that a boyfriend would solve it. That’s how he decieved the woman into 5 relationships. Five husbands, yet she left them all and started cohabitating with a new guy. She just needed something that none of these men could give her.

Untill she met the master. She drank of the living water and her soul experienced joy unspeakable. Satan told you a job would get you out of your depression, but he’s only wasting your time. Only the Lord Jesus can satisfy your hungry soul.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Harmony, confess to Jesus and make up your mind to follow him with all of your heart. He’s willing to accept you. He said he has no pleasure in the death of a sinner. He has seriously missed you. Come back home daughter! Come home! Into the loving arms of Jesus.

It’s been long you felt those arms hugging you. It’s been long you communed with the Holy Spirit and enjoyed intimacy”.

I was still talking, when she broke into tears and went down on her knees.

“Thank you Jesus!” I whispered.


I opened my mouth and scanned through my memories for an answer. 60 seconds passed and I was unable to provide one.

“I’m sorry Sweet Daddy! I didn’t realize I had never preached or talked about Jesus with anyone in my life. I’m so sorry! I have hidden my Lord and was so ashamed of telling the whole world I’m in love with Jesus. Please forgive me!” I prayed in whispers.


I went down on my knees too. Harmony was still talking to God at a spot, while I knelt down and raised my hands in the air.

“Daddy! I once told you I am yours and all that I possess. If you want my influence, it is yours. Do with your baby girl as you please!”

To be continued……

Cris is doing it ooo!
Let’s give her a high five

Why do you think you are in that bank, that school, that company, that shop?

Just to make money right? Why do you think Jesus left you alive here on earth? To make alot of money or what?

In the olden days, when a father is about to leave this world on his death bed, all his children would gather around him to hear his last words to them.

So also, when Jesus was about leaving the earth, he gathered all his children and gave them his last words.

Go into all the worlds and preach the gospel.

The university is a world. Your bank is a world. Your Company is a world. Your hospital is a world.You are there to represent Jesus and win souls for him.

It’s not untill you carry megaphone and start screaming repent on the streets. Start in your own little corner.

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