Unconditional Love Episode 11


Where do i start from? Keisha asked.

Just start from anywhere.

My name is Keisha Gabrielle,she started

Peter screamed.

Why are you shouting, she asked in annoyance.

Is your name not Keisha Williams?

Peter! Let me breathe ok?

Did i stop you from breathing?

Yes with your silly questions, let me talk already.

Oh sorry! Go on.

My name is keisha Gabrielle, my mother’s name is Nana williams, my father got married to my mother, promising her heaven and earth but as soon as he discovered my mother was pregnant, he decieved her to follow him on a trip to celebrate the pregnancy but-but-but it was all lies and that’s where all my miseries began.she broke into tears, Peter gave her his hankerchief and she dried her tears, seeing Keisha’s tears is making him want to cry too.

Hey ,kesh its ok if you dont wanna talk about it.

Is not like that its just hurts alot but believe me,i wanna share it to somebody, its gonna make things easier ,a problem shared, is a problem half solved afterall. She said trying to cover her pains with a smile.

Ok,thanks for sharing it with me, he said smiling. Ok go on.

He lied and decieved her thats hes taking her on a holiday trip to spoil her.
Because he was not rich then, my mother wondered where he would get the finance from.
But he tricked her into believing that everything will be fine.

He took my mother and sold her to a brothel jezreel.
Peter my own father sold my mother with me in her womb to a brothel.

He went his way and never came back.

The brothel mistress madam Jane, never knew that my mother was pregnant if not she’s going to kill the child,because all she cared for is money and she didnt wanted to spend a dime in my up keep.so my mum hid it from her.
My sweet mum was sold away and she became a prostitute, she tried her best to hide my pregnancy but sooner or later the beast of a woman found out,and of cause she took the responsibility for my upkeep but only on the condition that the child will grow up and serve them in the brothel.

She gave my mother punishment for getting pregnant.
And the punishment was that my mum will be a minor in the brothel.
Let me explain it to you
The brothel jezreel is like a small town only prostitutes lived there.

The prostitutes are divided into three:

To be in the royal class is the highest rank,only extremely rich man get to use you,so you are well taken care of,well dressed.



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