By Apostle Irawo Ogo
Today, there are broken relationship everywhere. The causative factor is pride. This may be from each of the spouses. Pride in it’s natural view come with the spirit of dominance. In a situation where both spouse are possessed with dominance spirit, what do you think of the relationship? It’ll crash without delay.
Pride is common in ladies; they look down on guys just because of one feature or the other. One thing is certain about pride. When one is full of it, it’s easy to brag, and doing this one feel fulfilled. Some ladies will say, I can go into a relationship with a poor background guy. What can he offer me? I want a guy from a wealthy home that’ll take good care of me, treat me like a queen. Do you know how some queens are treated? Some will say his parents aren’t famous and so, I can’t have anything to do with him. The funny thing is that, most of these calibre of ladies are poor. They only want to be gold-diggers
Some put on the garment of pride because of beauty. Their beauty is one in town; they’re second to none. They don’t give face to men. Some will say, with all my qualifications, BSC holder in this and that. MSc in this and that. PhD holder in this and that. How will I stoop so low to date a carpenter? How do I stoop so low to go out with an undergraduate? Do you imagine a WHOLE ME to tell him sorry, can that back possible? It can never! Who are you?
Pride has made many ladies rotten in their with parents house. Even when their parents tell them to reduce their pride, they still won’t take heed. Some leave their parents and live alone. Some of them do things on their own; they don’t consent their spouse when relationship need to be balanced. Ladies who don’t take correction will die empty. Some have make their husband boyfriend and boyfriend husband thinking they’re smart.
On the part of men, some think the appellation, MEN IS THE HEAD is the solution to a sustainable relationship. They begin to exercise superiority over their spouse every time. That’s PRIDE! It doesn’t work every time like that. There are times one need to behave as if one knows nothing and allow the spouse to take the lead.
Humility is the key to a successful and sustainable relationship. It’s said, “in a relationship, one must be a goat while the other should be a sheep”. Humility is what can bring this understanding. Money is a factor that trigger pride. However, it need to be under control. Parties need to discuss issues from time to time. Each parties should speak out their mind and then iron it out. No one should be at the top permanently. Rather, they should bring themselves low so that the relationship can move to the top.
Jesus Christ the son of God, I pray in your name for every relationship that pride has destroy. Let there be liberation today. I declare separation in Jesus name. Amen.