By Pitan Oluwatosin
You can have a business mindset without actively running a business. It is also possible for someone with a business to have zero business acumen. It’s not really about the presence or absence of a venture. So, what does it mean to have a business mindset?
It means that you have the ability to convert whatever you do into profits and it doesn’t even matter whether you have a business or not. I believe everyone should be business minded. It’s a skill we should all learn and nurture, whether as a a professional/ entrepreneur/stay at home mum/student. As long as you have bills to pay for and dreams to fund, you should know how to generate income right where you are.
For example, a doctor who is business minded will easily create multiple sources of income for herself because she understands that her hospital runs is just one source of income and her financial life can be multidimensional. From her medical knowledge alone, she she can write a book and sell, run consultancy services and make profits or recommend healthcare products and get paid a commission as an affiliate.
Business minded people are flexible. They are not one-dimensional, they open minded to the right opportunities. Business minded people are also not risk-averse. They are courageous and willing to take risks because they know that not taking a risk itself IS A RISK.
Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day, becoming business minded is a journey and a process. Once you are open minded and hungry for growth, you have the raw material to get started!