MY DUMB LOVER Episode 40

©️ Mhizlove_Writes


We walked closed behind Mich, following him to where heaven only knows. I had received a phone call from Kohen earlier telling me to go and receive my kids at the airport and to also come with them to Mich’s house.

He pushed the door open with the palm of his hand and I almost giggled as it creaked. We entered into the room and I gasped, rubbing my eyes

“Boss!” I shouted and turned to him with a shocked expression on my face. He looked up at me sharply when I said that.

Everyone had become confused with what was happening and I could feel the tension in the room. Mich cleared his throat and took a step forward

“Surviving numerous gunshots was a miraculous feat, I have treated gunshot victims and being shot is not automatically a death sentence but it requires great courage, skill and strength. Mrs Rhoda couldn’t make it because bullets had pierced her skull and she had already died before arrival at the hospital.
Mr. Richard is alive but he was in a coma for six months and attached to life support machines. After he came out of the coma, he underwent a therapy because he was traumatized by separation from his family” Mich explained

“Mrs Alisa said she gave a befitting burials to her friend and her husband to commemorate their lives, how did you do it?” Kohen asked

“I gave her another corpse in place of Mr. Richard and thank goodness she was mostly concern about her friend and that makes it easier” Mich responded

“My daughter!” Richard spoke up, looking round the room

A strange feeling of excitement filled me as I watched him. I moved closer to him and gave him a masculine hug. “I can’t believe you survived it”

For the first time he gave me a faint smile, but it looked so melancholy on his pale face

Kohen introduced himself to him and he gave a thorough explaination as he clearly expressed himself so that he could easily understand

Richard closed his eyes and sat still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety.

“Nolan, is your son taking advantage of my daughter?” He asked immediately Kohen finished explaining things to him

“No Boss. They love each other” I responded. Ric stood in silence until I turned to look at him

“I’m Ric Nolan, Aaliyah’s boyfriend” He said and shook hands with Richard

“We’ve met before but I didn’t know you’re Nolan’s son. Are you taking advantage of my daughter because of her predicament?” He asked

Ric took a deep breath and shook his head. “I love her, she’s my life”

“Nolan is kind, honest and morally good person. I hope you’re not different from him” Richard uttered

“I’m not a bastard” Ric answered

“Boss, these are my twins. Ric and Ria” I told him. He mouthed “Wow!” Staring at them in open-mouthed wonderment.


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