Unconditional Love Episode 14
RUN-AWAY why? Because it’s impossible to leave jezreel ok?Did you think if it possible to run away from jezreel there will still be a single soul in there?Listen no body likes to live a life dictated and ruled by others.You cant have children,nor family,infact the society detest and hates anyone from there. As a matter…

Unconditional Love Episode 13
IMPOSSIBLE!!! My mom died and left me in the cruel hands of prostitution.Trust madam Jane ,she would never allow me to live in jezreel for free infact nobody does that not even her. So as soon i clock eight she ventured me into dancing and that’s how i became the dancer that i am today.I’ve…

Unconditional Love Episode 12
SOLD OUT The prostitutes are in three class: RoyaltyMajorsMinors The Royalty are the highest and most respected class and only the extremely rich get to use them.So they are the Best dressed,their skin is well taken care of,their apartment is the best and they dont get to do any chores at all.plus madam Jane never…

Unconditional Love Episode 11
KNOWING KEISHA Where do i start from? Keisha asked. Just start from anywhere. Ok.My name is Keisha Gabrielle,she started What?Peter screamed. Why are you shouting, she asked in annoyance. Is your name not Keisha Williams? Peter! Let me breathe ok? Did i stop you from breathing? Yes with your silly questions, let me talk already….

Unconditional Love Episode 10
Why can’t you stop? Did you enjoy been a…. I understand your point Peter but you wouldn’t believe it if I told you would you?? Of course baby tell me. Don’t you dare call me that OK? OK what should I call you? My name: Keisha. OK tell me, I promise to tell you on…

Unconditional Love Episode 9
How dare you lay your fithly hands on me?? Chief Donald asked with a angry look on his face. And how dare you molest Keisha in front of me?? Listen to me carefully if I ever see you touching Keisha like this in public again? I will make your life worst than death. He said…

Unconditional Love Episode 8
Open this door, her father barked. What could be making him so angry she thoughtAm coming, she opened the door and he immediately rained down slaps on her pretty face.How dare you, I mean how dare you spit that nonsense to me last night? You were very lucky that I was sleepy, otherwise you would…

Unconditional Love Episode 7
The doctor said I will live but I will be blind for ever. Kenneth asked him,if there is no other way,I could have my sight back. Like can’t they do an eyes transplant for me. The doctor said it’s possible but it is very expensive and it cost as much as 42 million. Kenneth didn’t…

Unconditional Love Episode 6
Hello Kenneth,I know you won’t approve what I’m about to do,but I’ll do it anyways.I’m telling my parents the secret please don’t talk me out of this. Baby doll, I respect your opinions,views and decisions,if that’s what you want,just know that I will always support you,come what may and lastly you know I love you,now…

Unconditional Love Episode 5
Don’t be a fool Maya heaven helps those who help themselves.See you at the party and yes don’t forget to wear your smile, smile whether you feel like it or not,fake it if you have to but you must smile OK? ★★★ After the engagement Hey Maya you are now my fiancee and I’ve been…