Ā© Ayo Omolayo
It was break time and as usual, everyone stepped out to grab something to eat. I didn’t come with lunch and it was obvious we we not leave till it was 3pm in the afternoon, so I decided to turn it into a fast. I would break by 6pm in the evening.
I always went to school with a bible and since I had the opportunity to glance over it I had went straight for the portion where Jesus was tempted of the devil. I was so interested in learning from the master himself, to see how he did it. I was like, what made Jesus to defeat Lucifer? Are there any special ingredients to his massive success?
So I read it. Although I didn’t have enough time to study it, I managed to read the whole account of the temptation of Jesus according to the gospel of Matthew. And there were two things that caught my attention. One of it was that immediately Jesus knew temptation was coming, he fasted. And the second was that he replied all the suggestion of the enemy with God’s word.
So I decided it was a good time to fast and to saturate my heart with God’s word.
So I remained in my seat and brought out my bible to read.
Romeo had gone out to get something and I was seated alone studying my bible.
“Hi!” Someone whispered close to my ears.
I smiled as I recognized who it was.
“Ope! How are you?”
“I’m fine!” She replied all smiles.
“I was wondering when you would show up?”
“I had to look after my tommy first before attending to any other thing.” She said and rubbed her stomach.
“Look at you. So you value your stomach more than me?”
“Haaaa! No ooo! It’s not like that!”
“It is well! Nobody can love me more than Jesus! He’s the only who who can love me more than his stomach!”
“Yes ooo! And that’s because he’s a spirit. Me I’m a human being with 4 stomach!” She replied grinning.
“Haaa! Hope you’re not a ruminant human being?”
She burst into laughter.
“Talk ooo! Let me start another deliverance now! Every tree that my heavenly father has not planted shall be uprooted ooo!”
She laughed the more.
“Stop joor! I am here to apologize to you about what happened at the assembly. That guy is very stupid! God will punish him!”
“Haaaa! Don’t say something like that!”
“I will say it ooo! He’s an idiot!”
“Ope!” I called with a stern expression on my face.
She gave me the silence I needed.
“What did the bible say about the use of our tongue as Christians?”
She looked at me and her eyes spelt out that she was out of ideas.
“Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”
“Yes dear! There are words that as a Christian, you are not permitted to say. God hates them and will not be happy to hear you saying it.
Matthew 5:21. Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
Verse 22. But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.”
“Wow! I’m amazed!”
“Amazed how?”
“I have never come across this in my bible!”
“The bible is a mysterious book. It keeps hitting me with surprises everyday.”
“So what do we do?”
“What do you want to do?”
“You mean we shouldn’t do anything?”
“What do you want to do is a way of me asking you if you are interested in doing God’s will?”
“Yes I am!”
She sat down beside me. I took my bible and opened to a particular passage and passed it to her.
“Read it!”
“Matthew 5:43. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
Verse 44. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”
“So are you ready?” I asked.
“Ready to do what?”
“To obey God?”
“Like how?”
“That scripture said we should love our enemies and pray for them. So can we pray for him?”
“The guy who mocked me in front of everyone!”
She gave me that look of Juliet is insane and I returned it with a smile.
“Juliet how can you pray for someone who had just disgraced you in front of everyone?”
“Because I love Jesus and I am willing to obey whatever he tells me in his word!”
“Haaa! This is too much!”
“Jesus did mire than that for me. So loving him back is the least I can do. So can we pray?”
“Juliet!” She called and gave me a hug.
“Lord give me this kind of faith! I really want this kind of love for God to consume me. Please give me what he gave you!” She said in a voice that was close to tears.
I felt like crying on the spot. I wasn’t anything compared to what she was describing. But I had a feeling a lot happened to me in midnight prayers we had. I can see transformation seriously took place.
I was the biggest disappointment of a daughter God had. Now I was something another christian was aspiring to become like. Haaaa! Lord I am humbled. This is nothing but your mercy and grace at work.
“Let’s pray!”
We began to pray for the persecutor.
“Lord we commit the boy who disgraced me in front of the entire school into your hands. He’s like Apostle Paul. He doesn’t know what he is doing because the god of this world had blinded his eyes. He pray that you Lord will show him mercy. Let your mercy rescue him. Let your mercy speak for him.
Save his soul. Lord! As a human being I would want you to deal with him for what he did to me. But I want you to save him. That’s the dealing I want you to do to him for harming your baby girl!”
I was smiling as I prayed this prayers.
“Ope! It’s your turn!”
She smiled and loosened herself from the initial hug. She took my hands in hers and bowed her head.
“Lord I pray from the depth of my heart for the young man that harmed my sister and best friend. My mentor and leader in Christ. Daddy, save his soul.”
“Daddy! Left alone to me, I would have wanted to beat him with my bare hands, but you said we should love and not hate. You said vengeance is yours. And I can now remember that there was a great man of God who was killed on a particular day. He was dying and he had every right to use his anointing to slay his persecutors. But he prayed to you to forgive them all. That was how Paul was saved that very day.
My Dad always said that the mantle of Stephen fell on Paul. It was transferred to Paul when Stephen died. Imagine if Stephen had told you to kill his enemies? Paul would have been lost in his sins.
So we ask that you pardon this young man and instead go after his soul and save him. He doesn’t know you and he doesn’t know that he’s allowing the devil to use him. Daddy save him in the name of Jesus!”
We were still praying when water splashed on our bodies. My books which were on the table were not excluded.
“Jesus!” Ope yelled out angrily.
“Who is this fool?” She shouted.
“Don’t you know I’m a senior student?” She announced.
“You’re a senior, but you lower yourself to the standard of a junior student. You are busying following a small girl like your boss!” The girl who poured the water on us said.
“Are you mad?” Ope rose in anger bad made to slap the lady, but I quickly caught her hand.
“Ope don’t do that!”
“Juliet no! This has nothing to do with Christianity. This is oppression and I will deal with her. Who does she think she is?”
“Yes! If you want to deal with her, there are laid down principles in this school in handling assaults. I would prefer you follow them. Slapping a junior student is against the rules here. Let’s follow the rules and regulations!”
“Hey JuJu!” The girl called.
“I know you’re nothing without your big girl. She’s the one defending you. Left alone to yourself, you cannot do anything!” She said poured and immediately she was done saying it, poured water on my books that were on the table.
“Hey!” I called in surprise.
“Hi!” She replied smiling.
All the students now had our attention.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“Juliet! I’ll go and get a teacher to discipline her!” Ope said and ran out.
“Yeah! Only cowards run away from a fight. It shows you can’t do anything!” The girl said.
Ope paused and turned to her.
“Excuse me!”
“Ope stop! Leave her alone! I want to show her what I can do!” I said and rushed to her.
She moved back and stood ready to give me the fight everyone was expecting.
I rushed towards her and gave her a smile.
“You cannot have that thing you’re looking for!” I said and winked at her.
“I don’t understand!”
“The weapons of my warfare are not carnal. I’m too big to be fighting like a tout, a rogue or a tug. I don’t fight men, it’s a disgrace to me. I fight spirits. So Ope, please get me the teacher to discipline her. I’m too big to fight a mere human being!”
“E be like say this Juliet dey mad ooo!” A girl said.
“That’s right!” I said turning to her.
“Even the bible says that the wisdom of God is foolishness to men. So I’m glad I’m called a mad person. The carnal mind cannot understand the things of the spirit fro they are spiritually discerned.”
“Wow! That is Rhema! A girl said out loud.
I was still talking when some students got my books and began to wipe off the water poured on them. A girl gave me her handkerchief to wipe my body.
The lady who poured water on me stood like a moron, unable to say anything.
“Juliet! Sorry about what happened at the assembly!” A girl apologized to me.
“Yes! You are truly a christian!” Another said.
“I used to think it is hard to obey the bible. But today, I did not see someone obeying the bible. I saw the bible in human body. A walking and living bible.” Samson said.
“So someone can really follow Jesus like this?” A girl asked.
“Yes it very possible. Please sit down let me tell you how possible it is!” I said to her.
About 12 students sat down to listen to me. The girl who poured water on me was still standing looking at us.
Soon, Ope entered the classroom with Mrs Okoro.
“Yes that’s her!” She said pointing at the girl.
“Young lady! Follow me right now!” The girl didn’t say a word. She followed like a sacrificial lamb.
I began my sermon and preached to the 12 students who sat down. By the time I asked who wanted to surrender to Jesus? They all did.
I was all smiles.
“Daddy thank you so much for this wonderful harvest of souls.” I said within me.
“JULIE ANGEL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” That was the response I got.
“Haaa! Daddy! Please don’t whine me abeg! I should be the one telling the Almighty thank you. Not the other way round!”
“Haaa! Daddy if this is a joke please stop it!”
“Daddy please! You are the one who gave me the power to preach. You were the one who gave me the power to pray. Without you I cannot do anything!”
I went down on my knees as tears dropped from my eyes. My new converts thought I also wanted them to do the same thing so they all knelt down.
“Daddy, you are thanking the wrong girl. I owe you! You showed me mercy when I didn’t deserve it. How else can I repay you?”
To be continued……..
This is a call to spiritual ranking. How will God be able to boldly beat his chest and say, ‘ I trust her! She will not disappoint me!’
Can God boldly beat his chest and brag about you in the presence of the devil?
The problem is not that Juliet is better than any of us. She’s the worst. But can I show you her secret?
She prayed! She prayed for help and she surrendered her will to God.
The will of man has always remained the problem God is having with men. Many of us have our boundaries with God.
This is the extent to which I can obey you. You can ask me to preach the gospel I will obey. But if someone slaps me, sorry God! I cannot turn the other cheek or let the person go scot free.
Can we lay our all to Jesus!
Can we say daddy! I know I am weak, but take my weakness and replace it with your strength. I don’t care the difficulty. I will obey, just help me!
I remembered how I cried this cry to God! Ahhhhh! The fellowship that day way something else as the presence of God was felt physically.
Go ahead and cry to him.