This was going to be their first date, and she didn’t want to go looking so haggered and dejected.
First dates required alot of preparations and stuff. So why was Jake bring up an imprompt one?
Jake noticed the look on her face and from the question she had asked, he finally understood her worries.
“No not today” He replied knowing what was on her mind.
“During the weekend” He told her.
Weekend was only a day away. “Okay” She nodded with a shy and happy smile on her face, as she anticipated going out on a date with Jake.
She couldn’t wait!!
Jade’s smile began to dwindle when they slowly approached her house. She didn’t want the night to end. She wanted more time with him…a little more time.
Her countenance changed when they finally approached her house. A sad pout subconsciously formed on her face, without her knowing it.
Jake turned off the ignition before looking at her. He frowned when he noticed the look on her face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked confusedly. Hope he hasn’t done anything wrong to offend her. They were both smiling a while ago so why the change of look?
“Nothing” Jade shook her head as she answered, while avoiding his gaze. She couldn’t tell him she was missing him already even though he was still there. She didn’t want to appear clingy.
“Then why do you look like that?” He said raising her chin up with his hand.
“It’s nothing I’m fine” She lied, as she tried to wipe whatever sad look that was probably etched on her face.
“Are you missing me already?” Jake decided to tease her when it appeared she wasn’t going to tell him what was on her mind, not knowing that was the actual case and Jade was too embarrassed to say so. Jade’s cheeks heat up again and she lowered her head due to embarrassment. Was she that obvious?
She bit her lips as she tried to hide her embarrassed look knowing Jake had guessed right.
“Who’s missing you?” She asked pointedly, making Jake fake a frown.
“You’re not going to miss me?” He knew it was too soon to ask that but he couldn’t help it.
Jade didn’t reply, but she shook her head, when actually her heart was screaming a big YES.
Jake flicked her head lightly.
“Ouch” Jade glared at him, as she rubbed on the tingling spot.
“That’s definitely not a good thing to say to your boyfriend who’s madly in love with you” He chatised with a sweet smile. Jade couldn’t help but blush again. Her face was crimson red at the moment. She like the word ‘madly in love’.
Jake noticed the blush on her face and sighed, “And you blush nicely too” He said in a low sweet voice making Jade’s heart to melt with sweetness.
Damn this playboy!
Of all people to fall in love with, it just had to be this crazy casanova.
Okay that was it. She was going to go in now, before she embarrasses herself more with all these endless blushes.
Jake looked out the window to her door post. He was sure her mother was probably waiting for her, since they had both taken so long. He sighed at the thought of letting Jade go.
A wave of silence swept through the car as they both reluntanctly pondered on how to say good night, and as if on cue, Jade’s phone rang. She rummaged through her bag to see it was her mother calling. She hurriedly picked up the call knowing how worried her mother must be.
“I’m outside, I’m coming in” She interjected her mother’s speech.
“Okay” Grace replied before ending the call.
Jade slipped back her phone into her purse, and looked back at Jake who had a sulky look on his face.
She wanted to say something but Jake spoke up first. ” Come-on you have to go in now. I don’t want to give your mom a bad opinion about me” He said pulling a small smile across his face.
“Okay” Jade nodded.
“Good night” Jake said in the most smallest and saddest voice he could muster.
“Good night” She replied in a longing tone. She gave Jake one last look before stepping out of the car.
Jade had only walked around the car when Jake’s voice came from behind her. She saw him walking out of the car and approached her. She looked expectant waiting to hear what he had to say, but Jake surprised her by pulling her in for a hug.
“As my girlfriend, you should learn how to wish your boyfriend a proper good night” He said behind her ears. His voice sending tingling waves in to her ears.
He slowly pulled away and placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Good night” He whispered softly, while Jade nodded. She glanced at his face longingly before turning around to walk into the house.
Jake watched her till she arrived the door, he waved at her and she waved back with a smile on her face before opening the door and walking into the house.
Jake smiled to himself and hopped into his car.
Jade could feel the inquisitive pair of eyes staring at her, she was smiling so brighty and her cheeks looked very red like she has been laughing or like she has been slapped real hard. Jade looked at them and sauntered over to them with a happy face, she couldn’t hide her smile.
“Good evening to my mother” She greeted in a cheery tone and placed a kiss on Grace’s cheek, completely startling the woman.
“And my sweet little brother” She chirped, as she ruffled his hair.
“Not my hair” Kelvin snapped making Jade giggle before hopping to her room like a high school girl.
Grace and Kelvin exchanged a confused look and muttered at same time.
Jade threw herself on the bed as soon as she got into her room. Her hand flew to the spot where Jake had kissed her and she giggled happily. Tonight has been a spectacular one. Her mind ran back to all the beautiful things Jake had said to her and she grinned from ear to ear till they slowly turned red.
“Ah” She exclaimed and sat upright when she remembered she was yet to call Amy and Lair.
She hurriedly picked up her phone and dialled Amy’s number first. She’d had to confirm if Lair was home before she could make a conference call of all three of them.
“You had better have some good news for me for disturbing me so late” Amy said as soon as she answered the call.
“Is that how you greet your bestfriend?” Jade asked back faking a frown even though Amy couldn’t see it.
“Jade you had better leave me alone. I’m not in a good mood. Being in doors all day is making me depressed. Talk to me only if you have something good that will cheer me up” Amy was really grumpy tonight. She really didn’t like the idea of being idle, she hated it. And being at home for days was eating her up.
“I think I have something good for you” Jade giggled falling back on the bed, her belly facing up.
“Really? Then tell me” Amy urged. She immediately sat up on her bed, eager to hear whatever Jade had to tell her. It had better be something nice or else Jade was going to be her first murder victim instead of Lair. “Tell me” She pressed when Jade giggled again.
“He asked me out” Jade said excitedly.
“Who asked you out?” Amy asked in confusion. She didn’t know Jade had a suitor. She only knew Jade had a thing for Ja….
“Oh my god” She gasped. “Jake asked you out?” Amy asked in surprise and disbelief.
“Mmmmm” Jade grinned sheepishly, bobbing her head up and down.
“No way!” Amy exclaimed. They were only talking about Jade’s feeling a night ago, how had things happened so fast? Jade laughed when Amy ended the call, she knew she was about to receive a video call from her, and indeed Amy’s call came in almost immediately.
“Tell me the truth he really asked you out and it wasn’t you who did?” Amy asked suspiciously.
“Nope” Jade shook her head. “I was as surprised as you are…okay I was more surprised” She paused and giggled again.
“He said he loves me” Jade said with incredulity, she was still yet to believe it.
Amy gasped in disbelief, “Jake said that?” She asked in disbelief.” Jake Beau really said that?” Amy couldn’t believe it. Jade bobbed her head vigorously, her smile not leaving her face. Her cheek was probably going to hurt by morning from all the smiling, blushing and grinning.
“I swear Amy, I couldn’t believe it. It felt surreal. I’m still in shock” Jade said.
“I can’t believe it too. This is so surprising and unexpected” Amy said excitedly. This was indeed great news. She couldn’t believe Jake was truly in love with her friend.
“mmm mmm” Jade nodded affirmatively, she couldn’t stop smiling.
“Well I can’t believe you now have a boyfriend, and it’s really Jake Beau ” Amy squealed excitedly.
“Who has a boyfriend?” Lair asked as he leisurely strolled into Amy’s room, his hands buried in his pocket. It was time for ward round and he had come to check on his only patient.
“Jade got herself a man” Amy replied excitedly, completely surprising Lair. He rushed over to Amy and snatched her phone from her.
“Baby is that true? You now have a boyfriend?” Lair asked in surprise and disbelief.
“Yep” Jade replied with a smile.
“You dumped me? After I’ve nursed your broken heart you dare dump me?” He asked faking a pained expression.
“Oh yes I did” Jade replied with a playful pout, making Lair chuckle.
“Tell me is it the casanova guy?” Lair curiously asked.
“Don’t call him that” Jade warned faking a frown, “And yes he’s the one” Jade added.
“Woah that’s quick. I guess your virginity is not going to last then” He said plonking down on the bed.
“Lair!!” Amy and Jade called simultaneously.
“What?” He snapped, with an innocent look on his face.
“You can’t say that to her. It’s going to embarrass her” Amy explained.”No wonder you’re still single” Amy hissed, as she rolled her eyes at him.
Amy crawled to plant herself behind Lair so she could see Jade. “Baby don’t mind him. We both know he’s still a virgin at thirty, i guess that’s why he’s still so clueless” She said to Jade.
“Who said I am?” Lair retorted.
“Are you not?” Amy arched a brow.
“Just shut up”
Lair returned his attention back to the phone to look at Jade. “Are you embarrassed? You can’t feel embarrassed with me, I was your best friend first before she poached you from me, and secondly I’m a medical doctor so I have to tell you stuff like that, and thirdly I’m the older one here and lastly I’m a guy so I can educate more on a guys, mostly on experienced ones like your new boyfriend”
“That’s the blind leading the blind. Don’t forget you also lack experience” Amy said tauntingly.
“Okay that’s enough. Don’t scare my baby. You can say all those things to me but not my sweet and innocent angel” Amy said snatching her phone back from Lair.
“Who said I’m scaring her. I just want to inform her about the importance of safe sex and risk of STD’s” He retorted.
“Well it’s not necessary. Go lecture your students..shoo mother hen” Amy shooed him away while glaring at him, before returning her attention back to Jade
“Jade I’m going to call you and we’re going to have that talk. I don’t want to have you as my patient on cases I wouldn’t like to handle” Lair said across the room before walking out.
“I’m definitely not picking up” Jade replied in her mind.
“So why are you suddenly quiet lover girl?” Amy teased when she observed how quiet Jade had become. “Don’t tell me you’re taking his words seriously?” Amy asked.
Jade sighed when she heard her, she wasn’t quiet because of what Lair had said…okay more like his words reminded her she was keeping a secret from her friends, one she was so embarrassed to share. They had vowed never to keep things from each other, but here she was keeping one from them.
“No that’s not it….”
“Well forget about that, when is he taking you out on a date…” Amy asked excitedly, “I can’t wait for it” She chirped expectantly.
“This weekend” Jade replied with a happy smile, when she remembered Jake was taking her out on a date.
“Really? Do you have what to wear? I mean something hot and sexy, you have to look extremely beautiful. So tell me do you need my help, because I know you do. You know I can plan a big party from my bed” She said pridefully.
Jade gasped when Amy mentioned the word ‘party’. She suddenly remembered the one she had to go with Jake tomorrow.
“What is it?” Amy asked with concern.
“Amy I need your help” Jade said in horror, as she sat upright.
“I know you do, but do you have to be so dramatic about it?” Amy hissed irritably.
“It’s not for the date” Jade explained.
“Then for what?” Amy asked curiously.
“For a party”
“A party? What party?” Amy asked inquisitively.
“A party with Jake. He invited me for a party tomorrow. And I don’t have what to wear for it. I don’t even know what to wear” Jade panicked.
“Tomorrow? And you’re just saying it now? You’re unbelievable. What kind of party?” She inquired.
“I don’t know. I think it might be related to work or something” She guessed. Jake didn’t tell her, neither did she ask.
“Work?” Amy went quiet. There was only party she knew of, it was the annual charity ball of the company and it was rumoured the CEO wouldn’t be in attendance this year, as a matter of fact Jake hasn’t been in attendance for the last five years…well, then his grandfather was still the CEO. Was that the party Jake had invited her? It had got to be it.
“Jade I think you have a lot to prepare for” Amy chirped excitedly.
“I know right. Amy you’ve got to help me” Jade said in a desperate and pleading tone.
“of course I know I have to. Don’t worry we’ll go pick up something for you to wear after you close from work tomorrow. I’ll do your hair and makeup for you okay. You’ll look pretty and lover boy would be swoon off his feet” Amy will fully rendered her services.
“Are you sure you can do that? Maybe I can snap the gowns from the shop and send you the pictures or maybe we make a video call while you help me pick one. You’re still recovering”
“If I stay on this bed one more day I’m sure I’ll kill Lair. I want to keep myself busy at least till I go back to work. So I’m doing this” Amy said with a tone of finality.
“Okay” Jade gave in. She truly needed Amy there in the first place.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow okay”
“Good night, I love you”
“Love you too baby” Jade replied, before hanging up.. A smile crept up her face when she remembered Jake had said those same words to her.

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