©️ Opeyemi Akintunde
Rereloluwa moved out of the house and rented another apartment. No one knew her whereabouts.
Ifeoluwa searched for her without an end. The only thing that reassured them was her regular post on Social Media. Ifeoluwa could not tell Rere’s relative
what was happening because Rere had given him a sound warning not to do so.
Timisire was doing a good job of praying for the baby. She knew her Life was still undergoing cleansing
everyday, she therefore knew the child conceived in dirtiness and impurity was going to have traces of it.
Based on the understanding she got from one of Aunty Favour’s Message on “ Your Life And Your Foundation”. Aunty Favour had taught from the John
“Now as Jesus was passing by, He saw a man blind from birth, and His disciples asked Him,
“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
Aunty Favour had explained from that scripture that there were three major sources of challenges.
First, Problems and Challenges could be as a result of the sin committed by people, Which is Self inflicted
Secondly, Problems and Challenges could be as a result of the sins committed by one’s parents and
Thirdly, some Challenges and Problems can be engineered by God to show Forth His Glory.
After that service, Timisire had sat to analyze her life, she had prayed against the Devil using her against herself. She made a commitment to avoid Sin. She also prayed for Mercy for any ancestral sin or parental sin that is affecting her life. She also used it as an opportunity to pray for the baby in her womb, she disconnected the child from the punishment of ancestral sins. She knew she was from a Polygamous background with a lot of idolatry allegiance. She didn’t know Uncle Ifeoluwa’s Foundation, but she
prayed about it regardless.
Prayers like this were her daily pills:
1) Oh Lord Cleanse my foundation and my baby’s foundation in Jesus name!
2) Lord, Deliver me from the consequences of my Polygamous foundation.
3) God, reveal your Glory through my presentPredicament. Let testimonies be the end of my challenges.
Timisire also took it upon herself to keep praying forRereloluwa and Her Husband. She Kept praying for
her to encounter Christ who will give her Grace to accept what has happened.
Rereloluwa was already getting too close to her new neighbor. She knew she was doing things wrongly, but
she just wanted to get over Ifeoluwa. Ifeanyi, her new neighbor was a smooth talker who had made it a duty to be her best friend she didn’t ask for.
She was sure of herself that she wasn’t going to have sexual intercourse, she was so sure of it, not until one day, Ifeanyi had sweettalked her to the point of laying on her in her bedroom.
Ifeanyi was about to get down with her when she heard a voice in her Spirit…
“What makes you any different from your husband? Can you see that anyone can mess up?”
Rereloluwa burst into tears…
“Stand Up Please!” She pushed him off her and ran to the door of her flat. She opened the door and asked him to leave.
“God! I am sorry“ was all she wailed for an hour on her knees.
Just Like Timisire had said about herself, Rere also acknowledged about herself that she was saved but still Bound. The Spirit of Anger and Unforgiveness had her in chains.
She knew she had to return home.
To be Continued